How to Repurpose Bridesmaids’ Bouquets at the Reception

After the ceremony, it’s disappointing to waste the flowers used by your bridesmaids, seeing them neglected on tables or tossed out. Since 2005, I’ve guided couples in maximizing the beauty and value of wedding flowers, from the ceremony to the after-party. Here are ways you can repurpose bridesmaids’ bouquets at the reception.

How to Repurpose Bridesmaids’ Bouquets at the Reception

You can creatively repurpose a bridesmaid’s bouquet to embellish the reception by turning it into a gorgeous centerpiece, cake decoration, cocktail table decor, and chair accent. Other ways to reuse the bouquets include utilizing them as photobooth backdrops, decorative wedding keepsakes, art pieces, or preserved flowers. 

The bride together with her bridesmaids

With so many possibilities, you can develop a meaningful repurposing plan to extend the beauty of the bouquets and infuse more personal touches throughout the wedding celebration. I’ll show you how a little creativity can go a long way toward maximizing the impact of your wedding flowers.

Creative Ideas to Repurpose Bouquets at the Reception

With creativity and advanced planning, bridesmaids’ bouquets can be repurposed to decorate the reception, bring joy to wedding guests, or create lasting mementos. Taking the time to develop a strategy for repurposing bouquets after the ceremony helps extend their beauty.

Repurposing Idea Things to Do
Centerpieces Place bouquets in vases on guest tables
Cake decoration Use blooms to decorate the cake table
Cocktail table decor Style bouquets on beverage/appetizer tables
Chair accent Tie bouquets to ceremony chairs for reception seating
Photo backdrops Use in a photobooth or photo area
Dried and preserved flowers Hang upside down to air-dry blooms
Art pieces and wedding keepsakes Press flowers in frames for bridesmaids’ gifts


One way to repurpose bridesmaids’ bouquets is by transforming them into centerpieces for the reception tables. As an experienced event designer, I normally place the bouquets in vases or decorative containers to create a beautiful and cohesive look. This can also help save on additional floral arrangements for the tables.

Cake Decoration

Another creative approach I take is repurposing the bouquets of bridesmaids to decorate the wedding cake. I carefully arrange the flowers around the cake tiers or on top for a stunning visual impact. I also remove any stems or other parts that may not be food-safe.

Wedding cakes are typically priced by the slice, costing around $0.12 to $1.50 per slice. Since the cake decorations will last only a short time, you can use the bouquets as decorations instead. 

A table elegantly designed with flowers on a wedding reception

Cocktail Table Decor

You can also repurpose a bridesmaid’s bouquet as cocktail table decor during the reception. Place it in a small vase or lay it flat on the table as a lovely way to accentuate the setting.

Chair Accents

Why not use the bouquets to adorn the chairs at the reception? Attach them to the chair’s backs or sides to create a romantic and eye-catching effect, especially for garden-themed wedding florals.

Photo Backdrops

Photo and video services are high-cost wedding expenses, averaging around $5,400 for basic services. You can save a few bucks by reusing flowers as your photobooth backdrop.

I love repurposing bridesmaids’ bouquets as a photo backdrop because this offers a fantastic opportunity to create stunning photographs. I arrange the bouquets artistically on a wall or backdrop structure, allowing guests to pose in front of a floral wonderland.

Dried and Preserved Flowers

One of the best ways to keep the memories of your wedding and bridesmaids’ bouquets alive is by drying and preserving them. I recommend two primary methods for doing this:

  • Hang drying: Tie the stems together and hang the bouquet upside down in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place for a few weeks until fully dried.
  • Silica gel: Place the blooms in an airtight container with silica gel, which helps to preserve the colors and shapes.

A newly married couple dancing with flowers on their background

Art Pieces and Wedding Keepsakes

Another creative way to repurpose bridesmaids’ bouquets is by transforming them into art pieces. Create a lasting reminder of your special day. Here are some options I suggest:

  • Shadow box display: Arrange the dried flowers in a shadow box and hang them in your home as a lovely memento.
  • Flower pressing: Press the flowers between sheets of wax paper in a heavy book to create flat, preserved versions perfect for framing or use in other DIY projects.
  • Resin: Casting the dried flowers in resin can create stunning jewelry, paperweights, or decorations.

Tips for Preparing the Bouquets for Repurposing

With the bouquets cleaned and hydrated correctly, they can be used as beautiful decor elements at the reception. In this way, you enhance the overall aesthetic while making the most out of the many wedding flowers you prepared.

  • Visual inspection of bouquets: Once the ceremony is over, take a moment to inspect each bouquet for any wilting or damaged flowers. I check for petals that have started to turn brown or wilt. Likewise, I make sure the bouquet maintains its overall shape and structure.
  • Debris removal: Before repurposing the bridesmaids’ bouquets at the reception, I remove any debris, such as leaves, petals, or other materials that have fallen during the ceremony. This helps keep the bouquets looking fresh and polished for the reception. 
  • Hydration: Hydration ensures that the flowers remain vibrant and maintain their shape throughout the event. I trim the stems at a 45-degree angle under running water before placing the bouquets in a container filled with fresh water.

A bouquet of flower on a table

Related Questions

How Can I Reuse Wedding Flowers From the Ceremony to the Reception?

You can repurpose ceremony flowers using bridesmaids’ bouquets as decorative accents around the reception or incorporate the blooms into your cake decor, cocktail tables, chair decor, and photo backdrops. Additionally, you may collect boutonnieres in a dish or vase to create gorgeous centerpieces for the reception tables.

Why Should I Repurpose Bridesmaid Bouquets as Reception Decorations?

Repurposing bridesmaid bouquets as reception decorations extends their time in the spotlight and saves you money. By doing so, you’re effectively doubling their use and getting more value from the floral arrangements you ordered.

Should I Repurpose the Flowers or Let the Bridesmaids Keep Their Bouquets at the Reception?

If floral reuse is essential, coordinate with your bridesmaids to repurpose their bouquets after the ceremony photos. Factor each bouquet into your overall floral budget and order accordingly if you’d rather keep them.


In my experience as a San Diego and Napa luxury wedding florist, repurposed bouquets often bring a personal touch and continuity to the wedding celebrations. With meticulous planning, I can transform the bouquets of bridesmaids into cohesive, elegant, and memorable settings throughout your reception.

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